Cultivate-Women of Color Leadership Program 2017 Graduates

The Cultivate-Women of Color Leadership Program is proud to announce its 2017 graduates;

Aisha Truss - Miller-Metropolitan Tenants Organization

Alma Castro - Chicago Workers Collaborative

Anna Marin -ARISE

Dagmara Avelar - Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights

Geri Sanchez - Aglipay-Small Business Majority

Imani Rupert-Gordon - Affinity Community Services

Mecole Jordan - United Congress for Community & Religious Organizations

Nadiah Mohajir - HEART Women & Girls

Rachel Ramirez - Chicago Coalition for the Homeless

Karla Altmayer - Healing to Action

Samoane Williams - Raise the Floor Coalition

Sopia Zaman - Raise the Floor Coalition

Tanya Watkins - Southsiders Organized for Unity and Liberation

Graciela Suarez - Community Organizing on Family Issues

Cultivate is a joint project of the Woods Fund Chicago, Chicago Foundation for Women, Crossroads Fund and the Chicago Community Trust.  The program brings together women of color who lead in intersecting but separate justice movements including, but not limited to women’s rights, labor rights, civil rights, LGBTQ rights, immigrant rights and other. The project benefits from diverse experiences and perspectives, and creates the opportunity to strengthen each individual women’s leadership, their respective organizations, and the larger sector in which they work.

This mark’s Cultivate’s 5th year supporting the leadership of incredibly talented, committed women of color working to impact change across social, economic, and racial justice movements, whose collective voice and power has been leveraged to improve the Chicago region’s future.

Sarah Sommers